Free GPRS Browsing Craze In Nigeria: The albatross of GSM Networks In Nigeria

Free MTN browsing, free mtn gprs, free zain browsing, free zain gprs, free glo browsing....

Nigerian youths seem to be searching for little else online. I don't really blame them.

What with the global recession biting hard on them. How many can afford the overpriced data plans from MTN Nigeria, Zain or Glo?

At N10,000 per month with 3G data cap, it's more than the minimum wage in Nigeria.

When you combine it with the army of unemployed graduates in Nigeria, it comes as no surprise that the youths spend a lot of time online seeking free browsing on MTN Nigeria, Glo or Zain.

If the networks want the free gprs browsing craze to stop, they should consider pricing their GPRS data plans within the reach of minimum wage earners at least.

I know they won't do this anytime soon.

For those of you who need the latest information on how to browse free on MTN, Zain, etc. with your PC/laptop, the manual plus software is out.

The price is N5000. Sorry the browsing is free but the manual is not because somebody spent time researching and writing it.

Besides we don't want spammers to bastardize the new software.

If you need it, call me on 01 898 3152 or email